Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's really good to be a sister!! Love you Suri...

It is good to be someone for someone. Often, relations bind us with love, affection, emotion and most of all a deep feeling of responsibility for each other. Today I feel so proud to be a sister. I am happy to readily take up the responsibility to care for my younger sister, Sphoorthi Nanduri or Suri( as we call her at home). This is a big day for her. She secured 3rd rank in the University of Hyderabad entrance exam for IMA Social Sciences. The same place where I'm studying and the same course too. This came as a pleasant surprise to all my family members and friends. My dad went dumb with joy! All happies at home. 

Suri is always cool and never bothered so much about all these entrance exams and stuff like that. Even when you ask her, what is your future goal, she says, " I won't tell , but just show you". And she did it.

Now! I'm so happy that I'm feeling as if I've got 3rd rank and I got the seat here again. I couldn't sleep till     1. 30 a.m. I was thinking what I can do for her, which room should I reserve for her. Which book she needs, which options will be better for her, how to guide her to top etc..etc. It really feels so good to be a sister. After a long time, we are again together, going to study together for 3 years. Hope we'll get even more closer. And I really like to make her my BEST FRIEND!! 

Love you dear sister. A warm welcome to HCU!!

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